Library Policies

- Borrowing Policy
- Collection Development Policy
- Internet Acceptable Use Policy
- Gift Acceptance Policy
- Meeting Room Policy and Guidelines
- Membership Policy
- Library Rules of Conduct
- Unattended Child Policy
Please note that policies relating to the Katahdin Gear Library are currently being updated, if you have any questions please reach out to us at or call 207-200-4767.
Adopted by the Board of Directors: January 19, 2023
The purpose of this Borrowing Policy is to outline expectations for patrons borrowing materials from Millinocket Memorial Library (“the Library”).
Lending Rules
- All books and audiobooks may be checked out for 3 weeks and renewed for 3
weeks. - Magazines and DVDs may be checked out for 7 days and renewed for 7 days.
- Materials may be renewed a second time if there are no outstanding requests on the item and the patron’s account is in good standing.
- For items borrowed from other libraries, lending periods may differ per borrowing policies of the home library.
- Patrons may check out up to 30 items total at a time.
Fines & Fees
If an item is not returned within 3 months, it is considered lost, and the full cost of replacing the item will be charged to the patron’s account. Materials damaged beyond what is, at the Library’s discretion, considered normal wear and tear will be charged to the patron’s account at the full cost of replacement.
If a patron owes $25 or more in fines and/or fees, their account will be considered not in good standing and borrowing privileges will be revoked. Borrowing privileges will be reinstated when the account balance is reduced below $25.
As a courtesy, patrons may be notified periodically by email or phone when their materials are overdue. Patrons are welcome to appeal replacement fees through a written appeal to the Library Director if they believe their circumstances warrant extra consideration.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is provided to Library patrons, free of charge, to acquire materials available through the Maine Infonet Library System or MaineCat system that are not available at Millinocket Memorial Library. Patrons can submit their own interlibrary loan requests through their MILS library account. Library staff are also happy to assist patrons in making requests, over the phone, in person, or via email ( Loan periods vary based on the policies of the lending library.
Adopted by the Board of Directors: October 18, 2018
Purpose of Collection
The purpose of our collection is to provide all individuals in the community with carefully selected books and other materials to aid individuals in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time.
Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a selection policy with which to meet community interests and needs. The Collection Development Policy is used by library staff to guide the selection of materials and serves to acquaint the public with the principles of selection.
The Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement have been endorsed by the Millinocket Memorial Library Board of Directors and are integral parts of the policy.
Responsibility for Selection
The ultimate responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of the policies determined by the Millinocket Memorial Library Board of Directors.
Criteria for Selection
- For books, hardcover volumes are always preferred.
- Paperbacks are purchased if that is the only format available or when the usefulness is expected to be short.
- Books in electronic format are considered when available.
- Individual merit of each item
- Popular appeal/demand
- Local authors
- Diversity of ideas and perspectives
- Suitability of material for the patrons
- Existing library holdings
- Budget
- Availability through other affiliated collections (interlibrary loan, cloudlibrary)
Selection Aids
Selection aids for this collection include professional publications, newspaper reviews, online resources, bestseller lists and recommendations by staff and patrons.
The lack of a review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for rejecting a title which is in demand. Consideration is, therefore, given to requests from library patrons and books discussed on public media. Materials are judged based on the work as a whole, not on a part taken out of context.
Non-Book Materials
The same criteria and selection aids used for books will be used when selecting non-book materials.
Interlibrary Loans
Because of limited budget and space, the library cannot provide all materials that are requested. Therefore, interlibrary loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this library’s collection.
In return for utilizing interlibrary loans to satisfy the needs of our patrons, the Millinocket Memorial Library agrees to lend its materials to other libraries through the same interlibrary loan network, and to try to have its current holdings listed in a tool that is accessible by other libraries throughout the state.
Gifts and Donations
The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information the director can dispose of them as they see fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied to purchased materials are applied to gifts.
Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library on request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Board. It is desirable for gifts of or for specific titles to be offered after consultation with the Library Director. Book selection will be made by the director if no specific book is requested. The Millinocket Memorial Library encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.
By law, the library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.
An up-to-date, attractive, and useful collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process. Withdrawal is dependent upon many factors including the following:
- Current demand
- Physical condition of the material
- Usefulness, frequency at which the material is used
- Age of the material, considering the type of information it contains
- Availability of newer editions
- Number of copies of a title necessary to meet demand
This ongoing process of weeding is the responsibility of the Library Director and is authorized by the Board of Directors.
Potential Problems or Challenges
The Millinocket Memorial Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made based on anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely based on the principles stated in this policy.
Responsibility for the reading of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.
Challenged Materials
Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons requesting that material be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection may complete a Statement of Concern About Library Resources form, which is available at the Circulation Desk or here. The inquiry will be reviewed by the Library Director.
Adopted by the Board of Directors on August 17, 2023.
Millinocket Memorial Library Library (“the Library”), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, solicits and accepts gifts from donors that support the Library’s operations, programs, and special projects. This policy governs the acceptance of such gifts to provide guidance to donors and their professional advisors in completing gifts.
Acceptance of any contribution, grant, or donation is at the discretion of the Library’s Board of Directors (“the Board) or designated Library employees (“employees”). The Board and employees affirm their ability to refuse gifts that are based on discriminatory practices or behaviors, gifts from a source that acts against the Library’s values, or gifts that are not in the best interest of the organization.
I. General Policies Relevant to All Gifts
A. Use of Legal Counsel. The Library will seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to the acceptance of gifts when appropriate. Employees or board members will not provide legal, tax, accounting, or other advice to donors in relation to gifts. All prospective donors are encouraged to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including any resulting tax and estate planning consequences.
B. Types of Gifts Accepted. The Library will accept donations of cash or publicly traded securities. Publicly traded securities are sold as soon as possible and are valued at the average of the high and low cost of the stock on the day the Library assumes ownership of the gift. Gifts of in-kind goods and services will be accepted at the discretion of Library leadership. Due to limited space at the Library, book donations are typically not accepted. If they are accepted, employees cannot guarantee their ongoing inclusion in the Library’s collection. Certain other gifts, real property, personal property, in-kind gifts, non-liquid securities, and contributions whose sources are not transparent or whose use is restricted in some manner, must be strictly assessed prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities they may pose for the Library.
C. Restricted Gifts. The Library will accept unrestricted gifts and gifts designated for specific programs and purposes, provided that such gifts are consistent with the Library’s stated mission, purposes, and priorities. The Library will not accept gifts that are too restrictive in purpose. Final decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift and its acceptance or refusal shall be made by the Executive Committee of the Board in consultation with the Library Director (“the Director”).
D. Establishing Value of Gifts. The Library will provide acknowledgments to donors meeting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) substantiation requirements for property received by the charity as a gift. However, except for gifts of cash and publicly traded securities, no value shall be ascribed to any receipt or other form of substantiation of a gift received by the Library. Per IRS guidelines, all in-kind items and property with values greater than or equal to $5,000 will require an independent, written appraisal. Acquisition of and payment for said appraisal is the responsibility of the donor.
E. Authority to Accept Gifts. All employees have the authority to accept routine gifts of cash. The Director or an authorized designee may accept gifts of publicly traded securities and non-routine gifts after a thorough review of the gift and consequences to the organization of accepting the gift.
F. Considerations for Acceptance of Gifts. When considering whether to solicit or accept
gifts, the Library will consider the following factors:
- Values: whether the acceptance of the gift compromises any of the core values of the Library.
- Compatibility: whether there is compatibility between the intent of the donor and the organization’s use of the gift.
- Public Relationships: whether acceptance of the gift could damage the reputation of the Library.
- Primary Benefit: whether the primary benefit of the gift is to the Library or to the donor
- Consistency: whether acceptance of the gift is consistent with prior practice
- Form of Gift: whether the gift is offered in a form that the the Library may use without incurring substantial expense or difficulty
- Effect on Future Giving: whether the gift will encourage or discourage future gifts
All decisions to solicit and/or accept potentially controversial gifts will be made by the Board in consultation with the Director.
II. Planned Gifts
The Library welcomes planned gifts, including bequests and other deferred donations, for purposes that further our mission and align with our organizational values. All prospective planned gift donors, particularly those considering a restricted planned gift to reflect special interests, are encouraged to consult with the Director to ensure the gift may most effectively meet both the donor’s interests and the Library’s needs.
Unrestricted gifts provide the Library the most flexibility to determine how to best use planned gifts for the benefit of the Library’s priorities currently and in the future. For a planned gift to be restricted, the gift document must contain a clause clearly indicating the restriction. In cases where the wording requires interpretation, employees will consult with the donor during their lifetime and as needed after the donor’s passing with individuals who knew the donor, such as family, friends, advisors, or other Library employees, to determine the appropriate allocation of the gift.
The Library currently accepts planned gifts in the form of cash or publicly traded securities. All
publicly traded securities will be sold promptly upon receipt as described in Section II – B above.
Donors may also list the Library as the beneficiary of a retirement fund or life insurance policy.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees at a public meeting on December 1st, 2014
It is the policy of Millinocket Memorial Library to: (a) prevent user access over its computer networks to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254 (h)].
Key terms are as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
Access to Inappropriate Material
To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “Internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information.
Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.
Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled for adults or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other unlawful purpose.
Inappropriate Network Usage
To the extend practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the Millinocket Memorial Library online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking,’ and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
Education | Supervision | Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Millinocket Memorial Library staff to educate, supervise and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.
Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of Library Director or designated representatives.
Adopted by the Board of Directors: January 19, 2023
Millinocket Memorial Library (the Library) offers meeting spaces for use by the public as part of its core Library services. All meeting room users (“User/s”) must review and agree to abide by all Library policies. Failure to do so may result in the denial of subsequent requests for meeting room use.
Priority of Use
Library-sponsored activities and programs are given priority in the scheduling of meeting rooms, and the Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any scheduled meeting arrangements with reasonable notice to the User. To ensure the meeting rooms are accessible to a wide variety of groups, the Library may limit the number or length of meeting room usage for any User as needed.
Insurance and Liability Considerations
Programs involving animals, food preparation and/or distribution, medical screenings, or physical activities may require additional insurance or waivers on the part of the applicant. Users should discuss such events with Library staff prior to reserving a room.
Users may not store items to be used for events or meetings at the Library without prior permission from Library staff. The Library is not responsible for damage to or theft of items stored or left in its meeting rooms.
Room Reservation
Users may reserve meeting rooms up to 3 months in advance and will be notified of approval for use as soon as possible.
Meeting Room General Use Rules:
- Meeting rooms may be used by any patron over the age of 18, whether or not they have a Library card.
- Children may use meeting rooms if accompanied and supervised by a parent, guardian, or caregiver, or if participating in an approved program or event.
- Meeting room use is limited to 2 hours per day per User, except with special permission from Library staff. After 2 hours, Users must vacate their rooms promptly.
- Meeting rooms may not be used in any way that interferes with Library services or operations, or in a way that causes a threat to the safety of Library staff, patrons, or property.
- Meeting rooms are only available for use during regular Library hours except with special permission and training from Library staff.
- The Library reserves the right to charge meeting room users for any special maintenance, cleaning, or damages caused by the user as determined by the Library.
- The number of people using a meeting room may not exceed the established capacity of the room.
- In the event that a User does not arrive within 30 minutes of their reserved time, Library staff reserve the right to void the reservation.
- All Users shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Library, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, actions of any kind, arising and resulting and accruing from any negligent act, omission or error of the group or user resulting in or relating to personal injuries or property damage arising from the organization/group’s use of the Library meeting rooms.
Meeting Room Group Use Rules:
- Meeting rooms may be used and/or reserved by nonprofit, non-commercial groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or civic activities. 2. No entrance fee may be charged, no collection may be taken and no purchase may be required of those attending events in meeting rooms, without permission from the Library Director.
- Groups using the meeting rooms may not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, class, gender identity, parental status, marital status, military discharge status, or income.
- Use of the Library’s meeting rooms does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of viewpoints expressed by its users. Groups using the meeting rooms may not use the Library’s logo or imply the Library’s endorsement in promoting a meeting, program, or event without prior permission from Library staff.
- Groups using the meeting rooms are responsible for setting up the room to meet their needs, and must leave the room as they found it.
Membership Policy
Adopted by the Board of Directors: January 19, 2023
The Millinocket Memorial Library (“the Library”) offers two types of library cards:
- Resident cards are available for free to anyone who has an address in Maine. Resident cards expire after 3 years.
- Non-resident cards are available to those who do not reside or own property in Maine for a fee of $20. Non-resident cards expire after 1 year.
All adult patrons are required to present valid photo ID and proof of current address. Patrons under 18 years old are required to show consent of a parent or legal guardian; photo ID and proof of current address must be provided by the parent/legal guardian or by the youth patron. Non-residents must provide a home address and a local address, if applicable. A P.O. Box is acceptable as a mailing address, provided that the Library also has a residential address on file.
Renewing a Library Card
Upon expiration, a library card may be renewed following the same process as defined for initial cards.
Borrower Responsibilities
- Borrowers should notify the Library of changes to their contact information.
- If a library card is lost or stolen, the Library must be notified immediately, as patrons are still responsible for items checked out on their card.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for items checked out on their children’s cards and for any fees and fines that are incurred; they are also responsible for guiding their children’s selection of materials. For more information, see the Collection Development Policy.
Further details about borrowing privileges and responsibilities are included in the Borrowing Policy.
Adopted by the Board of Directors: March 16, 2023
Millinocket Memorial Library (“the Library”) strives to create a safe and comfortable environment for all patrons and staff. Therefore, the Library has established this policy to protect Library resources and property from damage and ensure the safety of patrons and staff.
This policy applies to anyone on Library property and will be enforced by Library staff. Library property includes all parts of the building, lawns, steps, walkways, emergency exits, and parking areas. The Library reserves the right to require anyone who violates these rules to leave Library property and to restrict such a person’s privilege of using the Library.
General Rules:
- Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with normal operation of the Library, or that disturbs staff or other Library patrons, is not allowed. Such behaviors may include, but are not limited to loud talking or yelling, and engaging in threatening, obscene, harassing, or terrorizing conduct or language.
- Any conduct which could result in physical harm to oneself or others will not be tolerated.
- Possession of firearms or other weapons is strictly prohibited on Library property, with the exception of law enforcement.
- Theft or damage of Library facilities, grounds, materials, equipment or other property is not permitted.
- The Library assumes no responsibility for loss or theft of personal property.
- All children within the Library must be properly supervised (see Unattended Child Policy for details).
- Smoking and tobacco product use, including but not limited to electronic cigarettes or vaporizers, is not permitted in the Library or on Library property. Alcohol, marijuana, illicit drugs, and/or drug paraphernalia possession and/or use are prohibited within the Library, including Library grounds. Any person deemed to be impaired will be asked to leave the premises and law enforcement may be notified.
- Sexual and suggestive behavior is not permitted on Library property. Any person engaged in such action will be required to leave the Library, and law enforcement may be involved, if necessary.
- Appropriate attire including shirts and shoes must be worn within the Library at all times.
- Patrons are required to remain in public service areas unless specifically asked and escorted into non-public areas by staff.
- Service animals are permitted in the Library. All other animals are prohibited; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Library Director (“the Director”).
- Usage of Library restrooms is limited to conventional purposes. Making unreasonable use of the restrooms, including laundering clothes is not permitted.
- Soliciting, circulating petitions, canvassing, distributing leaflets, selling goods or services and other similar activities is not permitted on Library property except with prior approval from the Director.
- Posting items to the community bulletin board must be approved by Library staff. The use of the bulletin board is reserved for local, nonprofit-sponsored events and public information. Personal notices will not be permitted.
- Conduct currently deemed illegal by the Town of Millinocket, State of Maine or the federal government is not permitted on Library property.
Adopted by the Board of Directors: January 19, 2023
Millinocket Memorial Library (“the Library”) strives to provide a comfortable, welcoming environment for all patrons, particularly children. This policy outlines the parameters the Library has put in place to protect children, parents/guardians, and staff:
- The Library welcomes children to use its services and encourages parents/guardians to enjoy the Library with their children.
- Children are welcome at the Library for any period during which they may engage in appropriate activities, which include but are not limited to doing homework or research, reading, browsing for materials, using computers, and attending Library programs.
- Library staff cannot take the place of a parent/guardian and assume no responsibility for unattended children on Library property. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children visiting the Library rests with the child’s parent/guardian.
- Children under the age of 10 are expected to be in the immediate presence of a parent/guardian.
- Children between the ages of 11 and 17 may be left unattended as long as the behavior of the unattended child conforms to the Patron Code of Conduct.
- Exceptions to the policy may be made in certain circumstances at the discretion of the Library Director or designated staff.
- If a child under 11 is left at the Library unattended at closing time, and the child’s parent/guardian cannot be reached, Library staff may contact law enforcement to escort the child home. Under no circumstances shall Library staff give any child a ride.