Find and Request Books
You can search the local or statewide catalogs by clicking the buttons below:
If you would like assistance searching for items, ask at the Circulation Desk during our open hours, call us at (207) 723-7020, or email us at
New to the searching process or need a refresher? Learn how below or view step-by-step instructions.
Your library card gives you access to hundreds of thousands of books and movies from libraries across the state, and it’s easier than ever to request items! You can order books and movies from any device. To get started, search the catalog and click “Place Request” if you see something you would like. You’ll be prompted to log in with your library card and pin.
If you would like assistance requesting items, ask at the Circulation Desk during our open hours, call us at (207) 723-7020, or email us at
New to the requesting process or need a refresher? View step-by-step instructions.
The Maine Reciprocal Borrowing Program allows you to walk into any of the 50+ participating libraries across Maine, select an item off the shelf, and take it home the same day using your MML library card. It’s like doing an interlibrary loan in real time!
You must have your physical card with you to check out materials at other libraries. Library materials can be returned to either the library from which it was borrowed OR here in Millinocket. A list of participating libraries can be found here. Questions? Contact us at 207-723-7020 or