Strategic Plan

In 2023, the Library’s Board of Directors and staff strategic planning process, resulting in 5 big goals that will guide our work over the next 3+ years in alignment with our mission to enrich lives, inspire imaginations, and empower community.

  1. Provide engaging and relevant resources and programs that enrich the lives of the greater Millinocket community. 
  2. Support community members and organizations as they imagine and develop innovative mission-aligned initiatives that serve our region. 
  3. Empower our community by serving the Town of Millinocket and greater region as a keystone community hub and gathering space.
  4. Garner broad participation in and support of library programs and services.
  5. Achieve strong organizational sustainability for long term success. 

The full strategic plan can be viewed and downloaded below. Questions? Contact Library Director, Diana Furukawa, at or 207-447-4075.